Senility in a sentence as a noun

The three-word senility test is pretty hard to get over.

This, and saying silly things when you at last slip into senility, would seem to me to be the main perks of tenure.

As is forgetfulness and senility as we get older.

I'm guessing that most of the folks dying of Alzheimer's in 1900 wound up getting classified into the "senility" box.

The TA would stay behind for a few minutes and explain what the professor, in his senility, had gotten wrong.

Does senility factor into the equation, or do we drop to our knees at every utterance until they die?

The fact of the illusion being necessary is tragically sad but it happens all of our lives, why stop with senility?

Maybe if we're not losing all our most experienced and knowledgeable people to senility, old age, and death, we may come up with solutions more quickly.

But looking just at the body, I see it degrading functionality and sliding, like senility, into a non-functional state.

> Lua in kernel spaceThis sounds like something which, were it done by Microsoft, would be taken as evidence of terminal senility on the part of the technical leads.

I like how every interviewer will try get a leading question about future product development, just in case there's a bit of senility that day "Oh yeah that jetpack we're...wait a minute!".

Sociopaths, borderline personality disorders, senility: there's a long list of ways in which people are different enough that simple unconscious models will not be accurate.

Until senility and other age-related infirmities set in, especially ones that negatively impact the ability to concentrate, remember details, visualize problems, and express concepts in symbolic form.

Redistributing wealth from a rich, out of touch heiress might count as a superior allocation of capital if it were taxed and used to fund construction projects or given to responsible charities, but when it is redistributed to opportunistic parasites who preyed on her cluelessness and possible senility, I have trouble believing the world is better off as a result.

Senility definitions


mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations

See also: dotage


the state of being senile