Semantics in a sentence as a noun

Whether you want to say someone is acting stupid all the time, or someone is being stupid is just semantics.

You can't just use the "from __future__ import python3_unicode" support because this is a change to the semantics of an existing language feature. In Python2, a string is a sequence of bytes.

C++11 move semantics mean that there are a lot of types you can keep by value in a vector that you wouldn't have before and they stay fast.

Shorter and/or better function or lambda syntax and semantics have been on the agenda for years. Just shortening 'function' is not enough.

There's something sick and wrong in the semantics of how the laws have been interpreted here. The authorities seem to have decided that they can record anything they want, any time they want.

He then proposes a wholesale change to function semantics in the language. Actually, I linked to a proposal by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript.

For instance, this would require some tweaks to the semantics of pattern matching, too, which aren't necessarily for the better... in the abstract.

At each step I explained why we were doing things and what it entailed and what some of our options could be, but stopped short of actual code semantics. At the end we had a working program and she understood how it was put together and in turn, what my daily routine entails.

What is left of Redis semantics and advantages here? The intersection of 1+2+3+4 is small and fits exactly in the case where Redis for metadata, or as a cache, plus another datastore designed to work on disk is the right pick.

So, my basic prejudice is that while you can use C++ for systems stuff, you still really need to be close to C semantics, so you're basically buying namespaces and "C with classes" at the risk that some yahoo later on is going to #include and utterly hose things . .

If you define breaking down in the terms mentioned by the comment you are replying to, you are playing a semantics game to frame the debate to be: this ORM sucks because I can't use it without knowing sql.

Type checking and inference is an area ripe with theory and attached formal, mathematical semantics. Standard ML's standard is perhaps the most infamous; it's a collection of mathematical statements about the language.

We also spend a ton of space on reference counting code; the semantics of the language basically force you to do naive reference counting, since refcounts can be witnessed in various ways, so every time we pass an argument, do an assignment, sometimes even evaluate expressions, we need to manipulate reference counts, and if they've gone to zero call a destructor. It ends up making the code really large, and one of the things that's unique about our efforts to run PHP fast relative to other dynamic language efforts is that sheer code bulk ends up being our largest enemy; if we're not careful, icache misses eat us alive.

Semantics definitions


the study of language meaning


the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text; "a petty argument about semantics"