Selfless in a sentence as an adjective

The founders are as selfless as anyone I've known.

I know a lot of parents who made or are making the same selfless choice.

"Don't be evil" doesn't mean sit back and get sued to oblivion by your competitors like a selfless martyr.

What are the circumstances that causes one person to be selfless in the face of tragedy and others to try and profit from it?

Relationships need not be selfless to be mutually beneficial.

Unless you can **** the switch all at once, you run the risk of the selfless a-tribals getting parasitized by the still-tribal, meaning it may not be stable.

In my opinion, this is the best example of a selfless action that turns itself into positive a valuable marketing.

You make that sound remarkably selfless of her, as she heroically arrives and tries to save the day, the ungrateful slobs unwilling to see what is good for them.

I mean who cares, it's just emotive BS. I mean it's not like humans respond to stories about humans, and become motivated by their actions, selfless heroic etc. Better to just have news in the form of graphs of incidences with no names associated so we can keep track of it.

N's big example is Judeo-Christianity, and how by inventing a selfless morality a bunch of folks took over Western Civilization in very concrete ways.

This thing that can only cry learns to: talk, walk, read, express themselves, formulate opinions, ride a bike, conquer fears, grow etc. They do this all the while looking at you as a hero with nothing but complete and selfless love for you.

Masquerading as a selfless company innocently trying to connect people, Facebook continues to shove invidious technologies down our throats for one reason only: $$$.That said, I truly hope that its FTC settlement portends a turning point for the social web.

AOL failed to capitalize on selfless engineering that actually solved a problem the correct way, it failed to corrupt the best solution with advertising indicators and economic feedback loops built into a market, shoehorned into an audio player.

That's essentially the campaign-finance-reform argument, that the problem isn't going to be solved by hoping that the next crop of politicians, unlike just about every crop throughout human history, will be selfless saints who don't respond to incentives; rather, the solution is to change the incentives.

Selfless definitions


showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

See also: altruistic