Self-indulgence in a sentence as a noun

This type of self-indulgence where you engage your love of learning for learning's sake doesn't really seem so bad in the grand scheme of things.

And also **** you for suggesting that letting my friends raise their families in peace is somehow akin to drunken self-indulgence.

The title should be changed to "How self-indulgence and living in the moment without planning for the future left me an unsatisfying life and, surprise!

Both can be described as overpriced, overhyped items of self-indulgence that are being surpassed by a lot of competing products.

Throwing buzzwords and acronyms around is self-indulgence at the expensive of non-native English speakers.

But founding a company around sexy technology is more about self-indulgence than trying to create a wealth generating enterprise.

Yet the underbelly seems to be full of these ridiculous cutthroat business practices and an atmosphere of self-indulgence, self-importance etc, most likely because Silicon Valley is where the money is.

Likewise for playing video games or hiking in the woods or listening to rock-and-roll or producing reality-TV shows or most any other activity you can name whose main goal is relaxation, entertainment, escape from life's burdens, or just plain self-indulgence.

Self-indulgence definitions


an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires

See also: indulgence


excess in action and immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites, especially in passion or indulgence; "the intemperance of their language"

See also: intemperance intemperateness