Self-control in a sentence as a noun

Starcraft 2 didn't destroy his life, his lack of self-control did.

If people had more self-control obesity would take care of itself.

It wasn’t your fault.”That woman had admirable self-control.

' attack is even easier to handle if you can exercise a bit of self-control and avoid getting defensive.

It also takes quite a lot of self-control on the part of the receiver to get something constructive out of derision.

As far as food & overeating/unhealthy foods- I've learned you don't necessarily need self-control.

Wireheading is so powerful and easy that it becomes an evolutionary pressure, selecting against that portion of Known Space humanity without self-control.

Self-control definitions


the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses

See also: self-denial self-discipline


the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior

See also: self-possession possession willpower self-command self-will