Seduce in a sentence as a verb

Today his wife saw the message and thought some lady was trying to seduce him or have an affair.

> Is it sexual assault if I do that to my girlfriend of 5 years?Do you need to read a how-to book in order to seduce your girlfriend of 5 years?

Once you figure them out, it is very easy to remain quite detached from their mental gyrations to seduce and ensnare.

Look at any beautiful concise code sample that they try to seduce you with and you find that any small change requires tripling the code size.

That means a certain article is going to gain traction, get people talking on social networking sites, and in turn seduce more people into wanting in on those discussions.

Whether it's from being intimidated or seduced, women end up giving favors, ******* inmates, or turning a blind eye to drug activity, rape, and violence.

Mashable is kind of shameless with the "advertorials" lately aren't they?I said about QR codes on Twitter a while ago:"QR codes: like using a megaphone to seduce someone.

"Attempting to intimidate me out of speaking up by labelling me a "white knight" and questioning whether my motivation is to seduce women is pretty low and vile, but what I expect from the kind of apologist scum that perpetuate these kinds of social bullying behaviours.

What's the takeaway?And though the debate she sparked about Asian-American life has been of questionable value, we will need more people with the same kind of defiance, willing to push themselves into the spotlight and to make some noise, to beat people up, to seduce women, to make mistakes, to become entrepreneurs, to stop doggedly pursuing official paper emblems attesting to their worthiness, to stop thinking those scraps of paper will secure anyone’s happiness, and to dare to be interesting.

And though the debate she sparked about Asian-American life has been of questionable value, we will need more people with the same kind of defiance, willing to push themselves into the spotlight and to make some noise, to beat people up, to seduce women, to make mistakes, to become entrepreneurs, to stop doggedly pursuing official paper emblems attesting to their worthiness, to stop thinking those scraps of paper will secure anyones happiness, and to dare to be interesting.< and certifications certainly don't make you interesting.

Seduce definitions


induce to have sex; "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"

See also: score make


lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct; "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"