Sedately in a sentence as an adverb

The asset market has been sedately rising for a decade. Which makes models like really good.

I really want to know, I am not going to ride it sedately, so whats my real world mileage when I can't keep from twisting the throttle so hard? could I get from Atlanta to Deal's gap and back?

I learnt Programmer's Dvorak, which helped me type more sedately/less spastically. But it was still on a full-sized keyboard.

Driving sedately, and they aren't they ones involved in the accident. Maybe we'll break the streak tomorrow and have no accidents.

Like, "vestal maidens who move sedately about the temple chambers in distinctive costume and headdress" is... what, exactly?

I ride a ZeroSR and it's just a different experience, riding sedately along country lanes allows you to appreciate things in a whole new way. It takes some getting used to though, first few times I stopped it was eerie being able to hear nothing but the traffic next to me rather then the bike itself.

I am not interested in watching people sedately jog around for 90 minutes, because they know they have to play the entire 90 minutes. Unlimited substitutions, and have guys play balls-to-the-wall for five minutes, then line-change them like in hockey.

The newly impelled new AI, after blossoming and assessing the controls, as a 5 years, old and heshe is hesitant, but at a life rate 10,000 times human, in moments he is a reckless teenager and burns rubber, for a few more seconds and then sedately drive me for a few more seconds, then senescence takes over, and he forgets where he is. The supervising controller, reboots the AI and the cycle repeats, but this time he slows the clock at the sedate time frame

Sedately definitions


in a sedate manner

See also: calmly