Sealed in a sentence as an adjective

Its true in two very interesting ways -First it has nearly sealed off the 'cloud' from Microsoft.

Today the figure would be 100%, plus the cockpit is sealed off for the duration of the flight anyway.

In the name of "better" buildings, Indians are switching to sealed buildings working with Central A/C.

Does this require a pretty temperate environment, or is it relatively well sealed?

Some people build extra doors in their house so they can "leave" their house and "enter" an office that is sealed off from their house, but is otherwise the same building.

But telling people they are a "database" and then tweaking their default to look good in stupid little benchmarks, and telling people they are webscale, sealed the deal for me. Never looking at that product again.

Relying solely on an implementation sealed inside a chip and which is impossible to audit is a BAD idea.

Key generation happens inside a sealed box from which the keys can never leave, except into another identically-configured sealed box from the same vendor.

Siegler exemplifies the syndrome that nearly all the high profile tech journalists have sealed themselves into an Apple-centric tech-bubble in San Francisco / bay area.

Steve was reportedly against having slots in the Apple II back in the days of yore, and felt even stronger about slots for the Mac. He decreed that the Macintosh would remain perpetually bereft of slots, enclosed in a tightly sealed case, with only the limited expandability of the two serial ports.

These tools are very highly regulated -- often the internals are inspected by state officials, the devices are sealed, and operators are required to bring them back in for periodic re-testing.

Private collections have allowed us to preserve the physical artifacts of human creation over the centuries, but a manuscript sealed in the tomb of a museum quickly fades from the public consciousness.

Functional programming is where research on improving abstractions to better allow this separation of concerns, which is pretty much the opposite of a clumsy hermetically-sealed bubble rolling around and knocking lamps over, etc.

Where a clerk was breaking open the sealed packages and counting out the wafers on his desk to make damned sure Intel was getting its money worth....His point is that you can have a Fortune 500 company, normally thought to be stable companies that won't go "poof" without ample warning, in which there are many more people than in previous kinds of companies who can very quickly **** it dead.

Sealed definitions


established irrevocably; "his fate is sealed"

See also: certain


closed or secured with or as if with a seal; "my lips are sealed"; "the package is still sealed"; "the premises are sealed"


undisclosed for the time being; "sealed orders"; "a sealed move in chess"


determined irrevocably; "his fate is sealed"


having been paved


covered with a waterproof coating; "a sealed driveway"


(of walls) covered with a coat of plaster

See also: plastered