Scrimshaw in a sentence as a noun

And yes, hunter gathers did make scrimshaw and paint ochre on rocks. This article is like a hookworm in my brain.

I mean he spends like 3 chapters on scrimshaw, right? Or the stuff about sharing a bed with Queequeg.

It has scrimshaw, and so old, I didn't get destroy it. I never told anyone because I was ashamed.

That is a great way to ready Moby Dick, I think: things like sharing a bed with a savage, but also the long digressions about rigging or scrimshaw or whatever. It helps to feel some indulgence toward the author, and trust that he is leading us on a detour to show us something "cool", but also something personal, like a private joke.

Basically, my younger creativity was Jackson Pollock; splashing around a lot, with few boundaries, and my current creativity is a bit more like a scrimshaw artist; carefully making each line count, in a restricted and prescribed manner and medium. A lot of the stuff I'm working on now, is stuff that just plain wouldn't have been possible -at all, when I was younger.

Scrimshaw definitions


a carving (or engraving) on whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc., usually by American whalers