Scion in a sentence as a noun

Haskell has some alternatives like ghc-mod[9] and scion[10], but I've never been able to get them to work.

There's a famous case of a Socialist who was a wealthy scion of a manufacturing family.

When I wrote it, ghc-mod and scion only supported show-type-at-point when the file typechecks, which is more or less useless when refactoring.

If you were the scion of a comfortable fortune, you majored in the "classics" or the liberal arts because you wanted, more or less, to have the background to enable you to live an exciting and fulfilling life of leisure.

In 2000, they endorsed George W Bush, a political scion who was clearly an anti-intellectual and bit of a fool, over Al Gore, a visionary vice president who had co-presided over the longest economic expansion in American history.

Scion definitions


a descendent or heir; "a scion of royal stock"