Schizoid in a sentence as a noun

However, it's great for schizoid people who may not have the same options that you had.

Not sure how the schizoid behavior of Europeans authorities with regards to business is helping at all.

I like metalanguages more than I like languages, and I guess that fits nicely with me having a schizoid personality disconnected from reality, as my mental health specialist says. So yes, there could be a link.

The discussions about H1-B visas indicates the schizoid nature of that identity. I've heard it said that the difference between Britain and the USA is that the British think 100 miles is a long way, while Americans think 100 years is a long time.

You might have learned to accept that, or to avoid those flips, but this schizoid mode of operation comes with unneeded cognitive overload for desktop work, even if you did master it. The thing is, Win8 was optimized for Microsoft's benefit, not yours.

Thus Apple is now projecting a seriously schizoid personality.

The classification of this as a television reveals the schizoid nature of display development. For programmers the main requirement seems to be lots of pixels without undue eyestrain.

Schizoid in a sentence as an adjective

Frankly the notion of a digital doppelgänger is hillarious and identity is not a hard problem when people are effectively schizoid when they surf and flitter between multiple idens all the time.

Correction: Lightly schizoid/paranoid may suspect hidden cameras in implausible situations. Schizophrenic screams at cars.

Sure, when you're young, it's fun to go down the DSM and think about how some of the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder feel like they kind of apply to you, and there are so many self-diagnosed aspies on the internet, but this leads to anecdotal trivialization of serious mental illness. Go volunteer in your local mental ward.

It actually comes from batman vengeful, vigilante, uses fear and intimidation, but fights crime and never kills people paranoid, schizoid, extremely brilliant orphan billionaire philanthropist extreme insider+outsider

That article proposes that while most people consider the terms interchangeable, some people consider sociopaths to be psychopaths with additional personality disorders; from the description that additional disorder could be in the schizoid spectrum or something else like bipolar disorder that would cause them to be under-socialized. Exhibit 2.

My non-schizoid self agrees that the probability of pulling the Ace of Spades from a deck of cards is 1 in 52, but this depends upon our understanding of the definitions, our belief that the logic of probability is reasonable, and our intuition that the results agree with the world we perceive. My skeptic self, however, disbelieves that the esoteric formulas of macroeconomics accurately predict the world around us.

Schizoid definitions


characterized by symptoms similar to but less severe than schizophrenia


of or relating to or characteristic of schizophrenia

See also: schizophrenic


marked by withdrawal and inability to form close relationships