Sceptical in a sentence as an adjective

There are 101 million ways to screw these kinds of protocols up, that's why I'm sceptical.

However, the more sceptical ones among my friends always asked two questions, which I didn't have a good answer for:1.

The fact that toy dolls are a billion dollar industry should make one sceptical about the supposed 'girliness that society instills in girls'.

I keep seeing Julia promoted as the grand new language but honestly, I am incredibly sceptical.

Having merchants billing you without you consenting seems really, really sketchy and maybe the video addresses this in a way that would satisfy me, but I'm sceptical.

During the original piece, host Ira Glass gives the impression that they were originally sceptical, saying that they "actually spent a few weeks checking everything that he says in his show.

Sure a lobbyist might be correct, but why would you trust them for information to begin with?And looking at his post with a sceptical mind would have you learn his only third party source is a magazine whose tag-line is "Maximising IP value for business".Even if correct his post is blatant propaganda.

Sceptical definitions


marked by or given to doubt; "a skeptical attitude"; "a skeptical listener"

See also: doubting questioning skeptical


denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles"

See also: disbelieving skeptical unbelieving