Sceptic in a sentence as a noun

That's Steve Novella's site - and he's about as respected as you get in the sceptic community.

It's a shame that my sceptic-hackles were raised before I'd finished reading this article or any of the research.

"As a sceptic, I'm quite sure that some kind of cool technology or another will make this not be a problem any more.

For the record, I'm a fairly bleeding-heart liberal and former globalisation sceptic.

Great analysis and I really want to believe in this but I am a sceptic and this:Interested in learning how a cohort analysis can help your business grow?

I am simply sceptic about the "everything is the same" claim - in many cases, how many instances of women and men with the exact same job, qualification and work hours did they even find?

I'm not going to comment on the contents of the story as it's really just a formal announcement of long-leaked information, but the descripion of Muller as some type of 'climate sceptic' is a PR stunt.

[1]This one is quite sceptic and seems to paint the picture of this just an embellished online poll, pompously relabeled as "referendum", run by a local businessmen, Gianluca Busato, with connections to some fringe secessionist parties.

I don't know what you mean by "defending" exactly, but if you wonder why people are sceptic on US-Iran relations, you must go back before 1979 - when a good ol' US buddy named Reza Pahlavi was brutally murdering it's citizens and US was in full support of his ruling, yet since he's gone US is on a 3-decades rampage of sanctions disturbing Iran's ability to function economically on the international scene.

Sceptic definitions


someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs

See also: skeptic doubter