Scare in a sentence as a noun

The comments on this blog entry scare me.

But I fear your no ******** guide is just going to scare the **** out of its readers.

There's no reason to put those in scare quotes, and it is very much a loan.

So, environments where nothing is getting done scare me.

The scare quotes around "abusive" are of course the most obvious.

And of course the oil companies used the skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices.

Second, investors are scared to death of founder disputes.

And of course the oil companies used the little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices.

Scare in a sentence as a verb

* This is the bit where someone says that Heymann didn't really want to lock Aaron up 'til 2045, he just said that to scare him.

I did cause a bit of a scare when I reached for the kitchen knife to cut some bread, but they quickly realized I didnt want to stab anyone.

Sounds to me like they gave a slap on the wrist because he had done nothing illegal and therefore all they could do was try to scare him... and it worked.

Putting "vaccine" in scare quotes is either ignorant or utterly disingenuous.

Are we to believe that a few sexist programmers scare off these same women?Final Question: Is the presence of some percentage of sexist jerk programmers the real reason there are far fewer women in programming?

It also implies a deviousness that will scare investors; if they're willing to screw a friend and risk such a serious dispute, then it's also possible that they'll wander into similar situations in the future.

Call me paranoid, but it feels like this term came out of an orchestrated propaganda campaign to scare uptight puritan Americans from the Evils of the Internet, similar to the propaganda movies we can see about ********* in the sixties.

Scare definitions


sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"; "a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building"

See also: panic


a sudden attack of fear


cause fear in; "The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me"; "Ghosts could never affright her"

See also: frighten fright affright


cause to lose courage; "dashed by the refusal"

See also: daunt dash pall