Scads in a sentence as a noun

How, precisely, would this leave the perps with scads of money? It's not like it would go un-noticed.

420MB. Apparently people don't like this comment, but unlike some I do not possess scads and scads of RAM.

I know scads of young 20-somethings who did exactly this and then came back home to do pretty much nothing.

I assure you, none of it was originally worth scads of money. So, no, we cannot all do what Sivers did.

I am skeptical that a good founder wouldn't be able to come up with scads of potential ways they want to change the world.

So the only advantages for lightning are that it's reversible, and it makes Apple scads of money.

There are scads of philosophy professors who simply sneer at those from the opposing tradition. This is a shame.

Or the scads of other businesses that the SEC routinely cracks down on for similar announcements? The criminals at Netflix should hang for this crime.

If you also have a good income and scads of freetime, I can't see what the problem is. It sounds like an ideal family situation, where you can be a good provider and also have time for both the wife and the kids.

So we don't go for the central, systemic problems of the main program, we write scads of bug-catching programs to sit atop them and intercept the bugs. That would never work in code, and it won't work for government.

However, I don't see many of their businesses scaling enough to support a family, much less employ scads of others.

There are scads of studies that have established DDT's potential for human toxicity in diabetes and cancer. Not only that, DDT's LD50 is not particularly large.

There are scads of patentable details in the implementation, but nothing to say that the concept of a cellphone itself should be protected. Perhaps you should find an alternative example?

It is an alternate means, but not necessarily any less information-dense than scads and scads of logical analysis." I'd actually go even farther than that.

So-called OS X 'upgrades' now consist largely of ill-conceived dilettante eye-candy features that reduce usability, clutter the user interface and introduce scads of new bugs." ->Apple QA could improve.

Indeed: perhaps the answer to the symmetry argument is for Netflix clients to just start uploading scads of random data while the movie is streaming. Then the traffic will be "symmetric", although Comcast won't like it after all the last-mile upload links are saturated and customers can't do anything online.

Yes, working for yourself over the Internet can bring you financial security and scads of free time, which will let you avoid conventional life indefinitely. There's no need to take on the responsibilities that come with marriage, children, and community, which admittedly can be a huge drag.

Net/Google%20shutdowns I read through scads of blog posts, forum threads, articles etc for figuring out which of the ~300 entries were paid; aside from a Google Maps API charge which very quickly blew over and has been forgotten, there were no blowbacks to Google starting to charge for something, much less your incredibly hyperbolic 'magnitude worse' blowback. Reader's shutdown has cost them vastly more than switching to a subscription model ever would have.

Scads definitions


a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends"; "she amassed stacks of newspapers"