Savanna in a sentence as a noun

You can't see what goes on in the ocean the same way you see what happens in a forest or in an African savanna.

You have to keep in mind that humans evolved to live as hunter gathers in the savanna of Africa.

> on the African savanna, where humans evolvedUm... answer's right there.

Yeah, to be fair it is rather amazing what humanity has accomplished with a brain meant for running from cats on the savanna.

Whereas hunting and gathering for free in the South African savanna will **** you in a natural [1] and premature way.

On the African savanna, it evolved as an incredibly useful and efficient tool for deciding if another human was friend or foe.

What's being described is not slash and burn agriculture in the way it's practiced now, or "deforestation", but a regular seasonal burn-off of prairie or savanna.

And so, of course, they plot rebellion - accuse the existing tribal overlords of corruption - plot perhaps to split off their own little tribe in the savanna, not realizing that this is impossible in the Modern World.

This is probably tied to our unconscious brain sensing if the work is valuable in terms of having survival or reproduction value on the African savanna where humans evolved.

It has been highly edited for our viewing/entertainment pleasure, but at the of the day...on the african & death go on hand in hand for predator and prey...some times its ugly and messy...but it is just the nature of the 'circle of life'.

There's a evolutionary psychological response called the savanna preference, it triggers a clinically tested calming emotional response.

During a fairly average burning season from July through September 2006, the visualizations show a huge outbreak of savanna fires in Central Africa driven mainly by agricultural activities, but also driven by lightning strikes.

This supports the theory that meat fueled human brain evolution because meat from arachnids to zebras was plentiful on the African savanna, where humans evolved, and is the best package of calories, proteins, fats and Vitamin B12 needed for brain growth and maintenance.

Secondly, it works remarkebly well to evaporate sweat and being originally savanna dwelling primates that endurance hunted our pray it would only make sense that drag not only exchanged for, but contributes directly to our ability cool our body temperature.

Most of the cues we associate with beauty and sexual desire evolved back in the savanna when health and fertility were very real risks; being able to pick up on which potential mates would be able to carry healthy offspring to term and nurture them until adulthood was very important then.

Savanna definitions


a flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions

See also: savannah