Satisfying in a sentence as an adjective

If you make $250,000 a year, it would be reasonable to take a 2x-4x pay cut for a more satisfying job.

I really enjoy learning new things, and being able to pull them into my work is really satisfying.

Not a very satisfying result for anyone who wants to find something special in the numbers 355 and 113.

But personally I find building new things, however imperfect they may be, far more satisfying.

Excited to solve problems in a way that was far more tasteful, more satisfying, than anything anyone had bothered to try before.

Because it's more satisfying to be a jerk towards someone who can do nothing about the situation, under the guise of principle.

People with high incomes are far more likely to be in satisfying careers, far more likely to have had a stable childhood and a good education.

We need to be free to pursue our satisfaction because that’s ultimately what will provide a satisfying society.

That would be an absolutely terrible movie, but it wouldn't be a very satisfying answer to the question "What's the worst movie?

It can be hard to follow, sometimes intentionally, but I find it enormously satisfying to read and follow along with his brain.

Concentrate on satisfying someone else's needs by supplying something excellent.

Personally, I found it very satisfying, and at the end of it, we had paid down a lot of technical debt and it will make future engineering work on the kernel a whole lot easier.

An Eliot-Spitzer-Client-9 level scandal uncovered in this fashion would absolutely knock her out of the ring, though it wouldn't be as satisfying as seeing her forced to step down for pursuing this case.

The information technology industry feeds off it because information technologies can so easily be aimed at satisfying individual needs.

Satisfying definitions


providing abundant nourishment; "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day"

See also: hearty solid square substantial


providing freedom from worry

See also: comforting cheering