Satiety in a sentence as a noun

While fat has higher calories per gram than protein or carbs it also has a high satiety factor.

The physiological satiety response just isn't as strong or effective in some people.

You have to take into account metabolism, the human waste that is eliminated, the satiety of the foods consumed, etc.

There are biological feedback loops in satiety, and high-carb diets do make one artificially hungry.

After breaking the cycle of fake food, the body's satiety signals are surprisingly effective at calorie/portion control.

If you care to do some research on the topic you will see that there is strong evidence pointing to chronic consumption of fructose damaging the metabolism in such a way that people no longer experience satiety the way a healthy person does.

Satiety definitions


the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

See also: repletion satiation