Sartorial in a sentence as an adjective

From a sartorial standpoint, no one should wear the Eldredge knot, ever.

Jobs bow tie, though, in those pictures, is definitely a sartorial mark of non-conformity for that era.

What aspect of finance relies on the sartorial choices of a company's executives?

It's not even well-accepted amongst the likes of styleforum users who are all across the sartorial spectrum.

Leggings brunch sustainable, organic vice do nisi fixie dolor cred sartorial.

You just inadvertently created a new portmanteau for sartorial startups!

Depending on which side of the pond you reside, one could be forgiven that this is an issue with the sartorial sensibilities of people, rather than how intelligent they are.

Consider: Many people would rather not wear an ill-fitting 'nice' outfit, or may not have the sartorial education to do so, but feel obliged to do so as a condition of their employment.

That's also why particular sartorial and recreational commonalities are picked on.

I don't see how a knotted piece of silk that completes a certain sartorial ensemble; and that comes in a variety of colours, patterns, and textures; discourages independent thought and creativity... especially creativity.

Sartorial definitions


of or relating to the sartorius muscle


of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring