Sanctum in a sentence as a noun

Look at those like world of goo, minecraft, braid, space chem, sanctum, etc.

You never know, upon entering the inner sanctum, you might be the one set to work on a Microsoft Excel macro.

Perhaps all this time spent worrying about getting into the inner sanctum would be better repurposed making cool ****?

And of course, like everyone not actually in the inner sanctum at Apple, he has zero idea what Apple has planned in the long-term.

Well, up till college, we are taught to solve problems that are already solved, towards our PhD, we come across problems that haven't been solved, they are hard, but they are not the end of it, beyond that lies a sanctum, where you must find a problem and fix it.

I love this paragraph in particular:"Now, regardless of whether no one in the inner sanctum of dudes-that-Steve-listened-to-at-the-time told him all the things we told our bosses, or who-up-the-chain-of-command was not brave enough to suggest we do something not-Apple-like this was the system that Steve created.

Sanctum definitions


a place of inviolable privacy; "he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum, where the children could never go"


a sacred place of pilgrimage

See also: holy