Samurai in a sentence as a noun

Interesting choice of a samurai for the cover image, considering the book's title.

Or in his words "If I lost control of it over a crowd, what damage do you think two samurai swords coming in at 30 mph could do to a bunch of people?

The ninja is hiding behind the samurai, naturally.

But, there is just something about watching space samurai, with light-up swords, that made me spend the next three hours imagining how to build something like it.

Are you really saying that people dueling with samurai swords in high tech armor that provides 3D visualization of damages have no entertainment value because the stats aren't realistic enough?

Well, the answer to that question depends a lot on how much you let its framing determine your thinking, right?Sure, I too, personally, don't share anything personally identifying on FB, in violation of FB and G+'s TOS BTW. But all those naive people, they walked through the door, they didn't see the samurai behind the door and pow, what do they expect?

If he were motivated enough, and guns weren't available, he could use any manner of other means to **** a bunch of people - bombs, molotov cocktails, home-made flame throwers, samurai sword, vehicles, etc.

"Keep us safe": militia, pikemen, shamans, legions, samurai, knights, musketeers, standing armies, chemists, doctors & nurses, the military/industrial complex.

Samurai definitions


a Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracy


feudal Japanese military aristocracy