Sameness in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps a telling comment on the sameness of a lot of design on the web.

If we remove the cute introduction, the sameness of your article jumps to over 70% .

A dual-password field with sameness-checks would be better.

" Nowadays it seems we are only allowed to celebrate their sameness, or their inversion.

Sometimes they find my notion of their languages' sameness offensive, which in turn I find offensively childish.

Though a lot of the rest of the country sees SF as being too liberal and would gladly see it fall in line with the bland sameness of everywhere else.

The sameness of the existing UK political parties is not because of some broken voting system or the "Westminster Elite".

"Wow, I wish I were that smart".I would never have suspected that in the land that ostensibly worships individuality, not being "ground into sameness" is worth mentioning.

I mean, shoot, in stat arb the entire thing is based on such a murky idea of sameness that two products/instruments/securities might not actually even be the same thing and may never converge.

"I don't think minimalistic design necessarily creates sameness.

It happens that my children grew up in an environment in which most of their acquaintances are supportive of young people who pursue their own passions, and they haven't had to be ground into sameness to have peers who like them.

I admire much of it but there's a rather unrelating sameness starting to manifest itself in the web design world--the pastels, rounded corners and dropped vowels of a few years ago have given way to monochrome color schemes, large text, and vast swaths of whitespace.

We tend to assume that social relations are built on sameness, but people who can't build relationships without sharing every experience and attitude down to the last concrete detail are only one step more socially advanced than people who fail to build relationships at all.

Even the visual and auditory carnage of MySpace was preferable to the cookie-cutter sameness of Facebook, helpfully tracking your every single move before you even think to make it, and broadcasting the mundane minutiae of everyday existence to all your "friends".I used to love Google when it first came out, it beat the pants off Alta Vista and it was a fantastic way to extract cool links from the vastness of the 'net.

Sameness definitions


the quality of being alike; "sameness of purpose kept them together"


the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety; "he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work"; "he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners"; "he hated the sameness of the food the college served"

See also: monotony humdrum