Salvia in a sentence as a noun

And then we found that weed, mushrooms, ***, salvia etc. helps us "opening our minds".

Ridiculous how he thinks salvia's to blame for that one.

While ***'s effects aren't as acute as salvia, they're both psychedelics.

Then over time I ended up taking salvia less and less until I stopped altogether, for no other reason than that I just didn't feel like it.

*********, salvia and nicotine gum are mostly harmless.

Tobacco's a common culprit because it's so ubiquitous; there aren't people smoking 30 pot or salvia cigarettes per day.

Yes, salvia is extremely intense and gives a very disconnected experience, but I think the actual extent depends on the factors I mentioned above.

I just can't visualize anyone doing any kind of meaningful thinking while in the influence of salvia divinorum, or scribbling, the effect is just too strong and too disconnected from our reality.

Salvia definitions


any of various plants of the genus Salvia; a cosmopolitan herb

See also: sage