Salivate in a sentence as a verb

Writing this it's hard not to salivate thinking about fresh loin sautéed in butter and garlic.

This kind of story makes ambulance chasers salivate...

I know more than a few people who'd salivate at the chance to write sensing/control code in Octave and run it on a $200 SBC...

It's Apple's ability to present these things in a way which just makes you salivate that matters.

I know people who would salivate at the idea of an office that resembles the Jersey Shore house, and they're programmers.

Who needs dry technical articles when we can salivate over gossip instead?

I just browsed Hacker School's website and the application question 'If you had time to write any software, what would you build' made me salivate.

The advertisers nicely put two of them there, so you could be anything but asexual and have something to salivate over.

At first, you salivate over these crazy, overly specific, over engineered power tools.

I got all the critical details within 10 minutes, the press will be able to salivate over it for the next week, and I'm still just as hyped about the devices.

IT departments would salivate over the ability to control apps and deployments and so forth the way a carrier can. Imagine if MS build a set of tools that allowed companies to make internal intranet "app stores", for example.

There is phosphoric acid and a surprising amount of sodium, which both make you salivate, so that you briefly feel that you're refreshed -- and then your saliva is depleted so that your mouth goes dry.

While it is true that all countries will salivate at the opportunity to setup a surveillance apparatus that is made efficient by technology, our only hope is to safeguard our online lives by demanding policy change.

Salivate definitions


produce saliva; "We salivated when he described the great meal"


be envious, desirous, eager for, or extremely happy about something; "She was salivating over the raise she anticipated"

See also: drool