Salience in a sentence as a noun

It's only salience is that it it's close to home and quite recent.

The salience of an issue will often depend on how much it affects you personally.

The long-term salience of this is an amusing historical footnote and nothing more.

I think the salience of the article is in how Megaupload became conspicuous after their ad campaign.

How many people do you need to affect, and at what level of salience, does a business need to hit to graduate from low impact for you?

Is there any hypothetical search model in which money doesn't influence information salience?

Probably because by using state transition tables the system's whereabouts is afforded salience.

While I love to talk about how code literacy is the solution to many problems, it really has almost zero salience to the topic of homelessness.

I agree we need solutions and not platitudes, but we also have to be cognizant of how our "solutions" merely decrease the salience of pervasive ills rather than attempting to tackle them head-on.

As was pointed out: the particle animation is too complex to have much salience, but I'm prepared to argue that the slower animations towards the end show clear patterns when comparing different demographies.

Amoebas seem to be just used as a reference point, where I kept expecting more salience - some adaptation of the wasp to deal specifically with the fact that it was smaller than an amoeba in particular, rather than just with the fact that it was small.

This can enable fast filtering of geometry using the precomputed salience during rendering as described above without the overhead of creating multiple copies of the geometry during the rendering pipeline.

The included policies are not restricted to the narrow Washington “policy agenda.” At the same time – since they were seen as worth asking poll questions about – they tend to concern matters of relatively high salience, about which it is plausible that average citizens may have real opinions and may exert some political influence.

The cable-news/permanent-political-campaign/crusading-government-busybodies nexus is an extremely efficient, low-cost, high-emotional-salience provider.

Salience definitions


the state of being salient

See also: saliency strikingness