Saintly in a sentence as an adjective

So not only is he a massive troll, but his motives for the "hack" were also less than saintly.

Yeah he should live like richard stallman to preserve his saintly purity.

Of course his beautiful saintly Apple couldn't be doing the same!

Apple isn't 100% evil or saintly and neither is Microsoft.

Bill Gates' first act could qualify as intense to say the least [1] [2], and second act is indeed saintly.

Nothing cures cancer in the sense that people mean when they speak of "curing cancer" as some sort of saintly alternative to "living your life.

When police and judge label me sinner, I should be able to see how saintly they have been and only those who never sinned can throw stone at me.

And shockingly enough, that's part of the modern, saintly Microsoft business model.

I think it's just an attitude of people that see all of the praise for a public figure as ignoring the possibly not so 'saintly' things that they have done[1].

It's entirely possible that Twitter is being as awesome as possible and that they're nearly saintly in their devotion to their users needs - as much as is humanly and technologically possible.

They have a heavy tradition about renouncing the world and trying to be saintly; but they also have deep-rooted ambitions, hypocrisy, greed, envy, and they are broken up by castes, as human beings are everywhere else, only here it is much more brutal.

Also this is true of every coffee farm everywhere in the world, except those few saintly coffee farms certified by the experts at Fair Trade, who always thoroughly research and monitor every operation and all sales of fair trade coffee to make sure that there's never any abuse or fraud ever.... Sorry.

But in response, the hygienist--who probably makes one-third what the dentist does, for doing three times the work--upped the ante, approvingly quoting her fiance's suggestion that "the unemployed shouldn't be able to vote until they find a job." Of course, the dentist was delighted by this proposal!The point is, progressives have plenty to offer the petty bourgeoisie: more customers for their small businesses, via boosting aggregate demand; a better educated and healthier workforce "below" them, via treating education and health care as public goods--but what we could never offer is the feeling of saintly victimhood they get from libertarianism.

Saintly definitions


marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint; "angelic beneficence"; "a beatific smile"; "a saintly concern for his fellow men"; "my sainted mother"

See also: angelic angelical beatific saintlike sainted