Sailplane in a sentence as a noun

I've probably learned a lot more about pure flying from sailplanes than from Cessnas.

There's nothing wrong with calling, say, an ASW-20 a glider, but calling the Shuttle a sailplane isn't quite right.

It seems to be a real product, but flight time is quite short, even though it's basically a sailplane with an engine.

Sailplane in a sentence as a verb

Paragliders and hang gliders are still easily beaten by sailplanes.

Dchichkov mentioned the Antares, which is a high-performance electric self-launch sailplane.

I have a sailplane that I'm building into an FPV platform; using a 2200mAH battery like this thing is specced for, I generally get around half an hour of flight time out of a battery charge, but that's with a single motor and having the option to cut the engine and glide intermittently.

Sailplane definitions


aircraft supported only by the dynamic action of air against its surfaces

See also: glider


fly a plane without an engine

See also: soar