Sagely in a sentence as an adverb

And then sagely asked if "we should miss" the decline of child predation?

We could then have had a resource at which to point people who nod sagely and re-tweet thoughtlessly. Too late, now.

Steve turned on some music and had the guy come down in front and demo his dance skills, sagely advising him afterwards to stick to his day job. It was great.

Grandfathers are stereotyped as just nodding sagely as if they did understand, even when they don't.

Is it somehow suddenly conscious because it could nod sagely in response to your question?

The wizard nods sagely, and asks, "And what would you propose that will solve this obvious dilemma?" The student thinks carefully for several minutes, and his face then lights up in delight.

It's important to be a successful CEO. If you're Steve Jobs at Apple's height, you could sacrifice children during the weekly round-up and people would nod sagely and talk about how doing that is part of what makes such a great CEO.

A friend of mine once sagely said to me 'Errors and Omissions insurance is cheaper than a lawyer.' which was basically use insurance and good business ethics to keep your financial risk of being sued low.

The model HN comment apparently invites readers to put their hands on their chins and sagely nod themselves to a self-satisfied sleep.

Not exactly the kind of material written by the industry giants and sagely academics of 20 years ago, alas.

No amount of passively watching words pass by while you nod sagely at how obvious it all is is going to make your brain actually try to think that way. My experience is that once I actually understood the section, the exercises were usually not that hard.

Granted, it's different, there's more than purely human entered data, but as the OP sagely observes, there may be automated systems inputting to Vesper someday.

Instead I see a person here or there figure it out, share with others, everybody nods their heads sagely, then we go on as always. What with YouTube purging a bunch of fake video watches this week, it certainly looks to me from the business side that we're scaling the freemium model way past where it would naturally take us.

Noting these more prominently in the HN FAQ, or simply noting that this is a managed site, wouldn't be a bad thing IMO. The black hats have already figured it out, the driven-snow innocents will have their bubbles gently burst, and those of us who've been around the block a few times will just nod sagely. NB: not to say that some hellbans / shadowbans don't seem to be perhaps misapplied.

Having spent more than a year "convincing the local papers" how they could expand into local digital, and mostly having very smart people nod sagely then do nothing, Google has little to fear from them IMO.

We would all very much like to be sagely and reliably advised by our own private genie; we would like the genie to make the world more transparent, more easily navigable. Google does that for us: it makes everything in the world accessible to everyone, and everyone accessible to the world.

I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough in the fields covered within hackernews to weed out the genuinely sagely advice from the erudite ****. I learn a huge amount from coming here and I feel I have lost a tool which helped me judge what I needed to dig into and study and what is just todays kool aid/lie/misunderstanding.

And the shot at writing about it from an "I've made it now, I can think sagely about it" angle, but at a very young age. In the end, she's a hugely important American author who simply cannot resist namedropping repeatedly in the memoir of her grief over her husband's death; like most of us, she carries some of her gremlins through much of her adult life.

Org/wiki/Jim_Gettys Here's some of his sagely advice, which I'll quote from his wikipedia page: "He has pointed out a common fallacy among programmers today: that storing computed values in memory is preferable to recomputing those values later. This, he claims, is often false on current hardware, given fast CPUs and the long time it takes to recover from a potential cache miss."

Someday, we might all nod sagely and say "they should never have strayed from Search and AdSense" because it is entirely possible that they'll bleed a lot of money and fail on several of these - but it is great that they are audacious enough to try.

So trotting out his recommendations when the market is stupid up makes him seem more sagely than I personally think he is. When I used to participate in his online forum, it seemed to me that his main objective was to eliminate the mortgage interest and property tax deduction immediately so it would trigger an immediate crash in the market and allow anyone with cash on the side to clean up.

I agree with you in spirit though - in fact I take issue with them quoting Wadhwa so liberally, the guy's promotion of women in tech reeks of opportunism and chauvinistic paternalism - just read his quotes in this article where he paints women founders as a bunch of lost lamb who are too dumb to know when a VC is hitting on them, who are then saved by his sagely advice.

Sagely definitions


in a wise manner; "she acted wisely when she invited her parents"

See also: wisely