Sadistic in a sentence as an adjective

You solve nothing by calling government a sadistic monster.

Have you considered that this might be a mildly sadistic behavior?

Assigning your class a code review of Moxie's code is somewhat sadistic, and, more importantly, doesn't really give us much of a benchmark.

It doesn't surprise me that they would want to abuse their power or would want to exercise sadistic tendencies given the opportunity.

So, if by chance, another sadistic group of people decides to open a similar web site, we have no control over what they do with your information.

What about starting with a warning first?Maybe it's not sadistic, but their behaviour was certainly emotionless and inhumane.

Well it is brutal and sadistic because such a policy is neither moral nor legal, as you pointed out, even though the email masks it with "professional" language.

They are, sadistically, good for the troops as they give them first hand experience with real combat - it's essential for an army to always have veterans in their ranks to train other members.

Almost any creature, in constant competition for scarce resources amongst her peers, will develop a deplorable personality, sadistic or vindictive.

Instead of congratulating yourself for the transitory sadistic, self-righteous pleasure you obviously derive from making the developers you hired "deeply uncomfortable," try working with them.

The normalization of prison rape—like eighteenth-century japery about watching men struggle as they die on the gallows—will surely strike our descendants as chillingly sadistic, incomprehensible on the part of people who thought themselves civilized.

I had burned lots of savings and, after egregious drama and a huge financial loss, I was a ******* headcase and I made the mistake of disclosing my problem and I had a sadistic pigfucker of a boss who gaslighted me to see what would happen, and ultimately had a two-day-long hypergraphic episode on a 10k mailing list.

Sadistic definitions


deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another