Rusting in a sentence as a noun

Even just a fresh coat of paint would prevent those tram cabins from rusting.

This is why you can stop a ship hull rusting by simply bolting a block of zinc to it.

I have two months of ruby code that's rusting now, and it was quite a difficult post to write.

In America, that thing would still be rusting away.

Then there is the wonder of pyramids, non rusting tower in Delhi etc.

They require constant maintenance to prevent them from rusting away.

Also: rusting and leaching toxic heavy metals" Is there any evidence of this?

Already needed service in the first year, and the washer is rusting already, and it's out of warranty.

I've been in an old Subaru Justy whose floor pan had been rusting for years, and it wouldn't have stopped squat coming through and hitting the driver.

The thing about Moon missions is that they can be done with resources that would otherwise be mothballed and rusting, or used once and discarded.

Plus it'd be nice to practice my rusting Korean with him - there's few Koreans in SF and most assume I'm Chinese despite my Standard Korean dialect.

Another cheap set I read reviews for I didn't purchase because people complained about a metal taste and it rusting after being put in the dishwasher.

Though aluminum does not exhibit rusting like steel does, it will develop a chalky film and pitting in the metal surface when exposed to salt for long periods.

Zinc is used as a plating because it corrodes preferentially to steel, and in doing so it removes electrons needed for oxidation and thus prevents the steel from rusting.

Capotes book, on the other hand [...][...]That other field, the much smaller one strewn with landmines, rusting rebar and barking dogs is called non-fiction or in its less effete incarnation, journalism.

Rusting definitions


the formation of reddish-brown ferric oxides on iron by low-temperature oxidation in the presence of water

See also: rust