Rushing in a sentence as a noun

What good can come from a bunch of stormtroopers bum-rushing an office?

Nobody on this thread knows any of those details, but that apparently doesn't stop anyone from rushing to judgement.

So many people land-rushing to get the largest properties possible, who then sat on them and never built anything!

Other than the air rushing by the plane, most noise is from the air conditioning units, and general vibration of the structure.

Also, since some of them were paid extras, they might just be getting impatient by the end, and rushing through at what would normally be an uncomfortable pace.

The only ones who will get it wrong, in this case, will be the legions of publishers rushing Flappy Bird clones to market in the hopes of catching some of its halo effect.

The tension comes from rushing to process enough people to ensure you don't have to go without food, or turn off electricity, or not medicate your family.

Well it looks like they have already done something better than all their non-Apple competitors - instead of rushing it out half finished they seem to have waited until it's done.

OK, so this is the second time in a week I'm going to have to post this PG quote: "Your comment is a classic instance of people on a forum rushing to judgment based on incomplete information.

The reaction in all the other replies to your comment astounds me. I am reminded of a comment from PG earlier today, which he made in a thread on a totally different topic: "Your comment is a classic instance of people on a forum rushing to judgment based on incomplete information.

"The basic algorithmic ideas that people are now rushing to patent are so fundamental, the result threatens to be like what would happen if we allowed authors to have patents on individual words and concepts.

Rushing definitions


(American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line; "the linebackers were ready to stop a rush"

See also: rush


the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner; "in his haste to leave he forgot his book"

See also: haste hurry rush