Rushed in a sentence as an adjective

It's probably true that a lot of people rushed to event frameworks who shouldn't have done that.

The creators weren't even reaching for an 8-bit aesthetic, the games were just simply horribly made and rushed out the door.

Again, as the heat was rising, the mother asked... they realized and they rushed out: the baby was unconscious.

This time, she was around people who noticed something was wrong, and she was immediately rushed to the emergency room.

Some rushed to the West taking jobs from those who were raised on problems like this:"Problem 60 A national magazine surveyed teenagers to determine the number of hours of TV they watched each day. How many hours do you think the magazine reported?

From their perspective, a shoddy, rushed implementation to an unhappy client is still better than having them walk away from the purchase entirely.

Low bids for writing, rushed deadlines, and no one with a strong mathematical background reviewing the books results in school textbooks that are not useful for learning mathematics.

The problem is the standards process exists to keep people from swinging their weight to force rushed/poorly thought-out technologies into a platform some already accuse of fragmentation and bloat.

Gabriele seems to believe or hope that the masses will see his "repost" of his own app and be stricken by the desire to do the ethically right thing and uninstall all of the rushed clones and install the legitimate version and play it with all the fervor and excitement as if the global 2048 hype still currently existed.

Rushed definitions


done under pressure; "a rush job"