Ruminant in a sentence as a noun

It reminds me of ruminant[1], but maybe it's because I'm a not a native English speaker.

Even if it's a large parrot, the fact that a 1kg bird can tear and eat the living flesh off a 100kg ruminant is remarkable.

There might be one large predator, one large ruminant, one bird of prey, one burrowing rodent, and so on... or maybe two or three, but not more than that.

[1] And land use changes, larger herds of ruminant food animals, high altitude airplane contrails... But mostly fossil fuel combustion.

One potential improvement is the incorporation of seaweed into a ruminant’s diet, which can reduce their emissions by a third.

Of course, we also figured out how to revitalize soil a long time ago, vis-a-vis ruminant fertilization and crop rotation.

It's too early to know whether humans are going to be able to dodge the impact of that, or if climate change is to us as the disappearing pasture is to the wild ruminants.

Ruminant in a sentence as an adjective

We know that the overgrazing by wild ruminants is a "natural" occurrence because the ecosystem has evolved counter measures.

My guess is that the name is a play on "ruminate", which originally meant "to chew the cud" as ruminant animals do. However, long ago it came to also mean "to think deeply about", as if a person might be "chewing" some information in an attempt to digest it.

> deforestationThere isn't net deforestation globally, though.> ruminant methaneYeah, this is one of the hardest ones to fix, but I think lab grown meat will get there eventually.

"The complexity of digestive apparatus found in Bovidae family and other ruminant mammals is just an optimization.

For example, overgrazing by wild ruminant herds in an area will result in a population explosion, which will eventually result in population reduction either via starvation or predation.

They point out that there are two essential fatty acids, docsahexaenoic and arachidonic, that are essential to brain development in modern humans, and the best sources of these two fatty acids are bone marrow, and particularly ruminant brains.

Agriculture entails GHG emissions from deforestation, fertilizer production, ruminant methane, NOx emissions, soil carbon depletion and other secondary effects.

Proper Noun Examples for Ruminant

Ruminants are the most efficient fiber processors, and we are some of the most efficient ruminant-meat processors.

Ruminant definitions


any of various cud-chewing hoofed mammals having a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments


related to or characteristic of animals of the suborder Ruminantia or any other animal that chews a cud; "ruminant mammals"