Rumbling in a sentence as a noun

> This seems to have been rumbling on for some time now - at least for the past five years or so. ...

I can already feel the ground rumbling with the coming stampede of "X... but with teh drones!

Storm clouds are rumbling nearby and it's obviously about to rain.

Then came more explosions rumbling up from below decks as the fuel reserves ignited.

You don't really know what exactly is going to happen, but the ground is rumbling and you're sure its going to be huge and exciting.

This has been rumbling on for years ever since Siemens received the contract without competition due to an outstanding deal.

There's a lot of rumbling about new privacy legislation in the US, but the entire concept makes me really nervous.

Rumbling in a sentence as an adjective

It's an extension of the Animistic Fallacy[1].Flash of lightning, rumbling thunder: Zeus threw a thunderbolt.

There's rumbling about creating a package support wiki where people can document what packages work, don't work, or require patches to work, but it doesn't yet exist.

I bumped into a colleague on the bus and she said she had been walking past an air vent outside Russell Sq station when there had been a huge inrush of air and a deep rumbling sound.

There is only one way that this surveillance can be changed at all, and that's by US corporations and their rich executives and shareholders feeling a rumbling in their bottom lines.

Also, even once firmly established in a given region, not everyone has friends in their specific neighborhood, or a given neighborhood they might find themselves in with a rumbling tummy.

Just typing this, laptop keys clicking, fan whirring, electrical timer creaking, crows squawking, the uncouth hollering of neighbors outside, cars rumbling in the distance, I am longing to experience such silence again.

Rumbling definitions


a loud low dull continuous noise; "they heard the rumbling of thunder"

See also: rumble grumble grumbling


continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound; "the rumbling rolling sound of thunder"

See also: grumbling