Rueful in a sentence as an adjective

It's really weird being so excited on the one hand and so rueful on the other.

"and his rueful close in "I believe that Twitter as a medium is and should be distinct from Twitter as a business.

Looking forward to reading both links tonight after work!> It's really weird being so excited on the one hand and so rueful on the other.

He was rather rueful that nobody had told him to make one up when he applied for his passport, because it caused him all kinds of difficulty.

After all "[you] sternly reminded him to sit down, [leaving him] apparently rueful that he's disappointed [you] again".

Whether you're content with that or rueful about it at some point might also say something, though with any luck I will no longer be among those evaluating it.> 11 5xx status codes.

The oldest portrait in the world – carved out of mammoth tusk 26,000 years ago in Moravia – had a long slender face, almond eyes and a rueful half-smile: just like a Modigliani.

"His conduct was so circumspect that the rueful Czechs concluded that, unlike Ujszaszy, he had never been trained by the Hungarian intelligence service"Sick burn on the Hungarians there

Etc... When he eventually knocked something over and I sternly reminded him to sit down, he started hitting himself on the head, apparently rueful that he's disappointed me again.

Imo, those paragraphs are a better introduction than the author's dive right into "hash functions" immediately after unrelated blurbs of "I put my fork down" and "my wife shakes her head with a rueful smile.

I don't think the paywall has been structured very well but I do think anyone who choses to circumvent it to keep accessing the content for free is going to feel more than a little rueful if it stops being produced at all.

"edit 2: "On consumer review sites and in local news reports, rueful customers warn others to stay away from TPO solar offered by Sunrun and other companies" - is that true of everything, and none cited?

I remember there was this time in the midst of a relationship ending and my father dying and after years of dealing with a painful medical condition I responded with "it's just another shitty day" with a rueful smile.

Rueful definitions


feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

See also: contrite remorseful ruthful