Rubble in a sentence as a noun

Rococo is the fad [Perlis says it comes before rubble].

Lesson for next time: Don't bulldoze all the rubble into a pile and then build on top of it!

The photo looks more like a pile of rubble than anything resembling a ship.

From two days ago, one of the happier videos to report from these strikes, a child being pulled alive from concrete rubble[2].

Scalable in the sense that you can try and climb up the layers of abstraction in the same way you'd scale a mountain of rubble, yes.

' Tokyo, on the other hand, was 'now practically all bombed and burned out and is practically rubble with only the palace grounds left standing.

And shouldn't you always hire people who have these sensibilities?I think the message I find within this rubble of contemporary and progressive ideologies is: Hire smart.

The American government kidnapping people to torture at Gitmo or bombing people's homes into rubble over Google searches isn't something that actually happens.

It is how we sift the gems of progress from the rubble of short-sighted human nature, magical thinking, willful ignorance, and other self-sabotaging but entirely natural behaviors.

The problem is that its designers had - and still have - no idea how firm or soft the surface is, so the anchoring system had to be designed to work on just about anything ranging from rock to rubble to ice to powdery snow.

Hmm,At what point do the claim "they are doing their best" and the claim "clearly they don't have the resources to do anything" collide and explode into burning rubble?I can believe that there are many noble individuals in the Doj who are doing their best.

Is this any surprise for people who grew up in a country where invading countries on false pretexts was seen as the right thing to do, where criticizing the government was seen as bad no matter what the reasons are, and where the threat of terrorism is somehow hyped up far beyond the perceived threat of nuclear annihilation in the Cold War?I saw this coming when the WTC rubble was still smoking.

Rubble definitions


the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

See also: debris dust junk detritus