Rowboat in a sentence as a noun

I made "Sitting with Darth Vader in a rowboat that's on fire".

It's easier to turn a rowboat than an aircraft carrier.

The crazy part is that Elon has said this will look like a rowboat compared to their future rockets

Not as close as a hands on "here's how to arrange hampers and people on your rowboat so it doesn't tip over", but nice.

"I sent you a radio report, a helicopter, and a guy in a rowboat.

Why would someone give a painting featuring a torpedo boat to a man who has never been in a rowboat?

Seems a man drove up onto a traffic island and hit a decorative rowboat full of geraniums.

Job involved sitting in a rowboat, and dropping a chain into the water, and measuring the depth, telling people "more fill here," and repeat.

From the article: On my first trip to Nepal, I took a \n rowboat out on Phewa Lake in Pokhara, \n which offers a stunning view of the \n Annapurna range.

What are the routes across it?I think these issues are supremely important, because I think sexism in tech is like a giant hole in our rowboat that we are constantly having to bail out, and I think our organizations will be much more efficient if we can get better representation of diverse skills and viewpoints.

If there was a news headline about some incel/qanon idiot dropping underwater explosives into the bay around this cable from a rowboat to shut-down SF's power supply it just seems... underwhelming and non-threatening: quite the opposite of a macho-masculine power-fantasy - and they'd probably get laughed out of the communities they claim to represent.

Rowboat definitions


a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled

See also: dinghy dory