Rootless in a sentence as an adjective

NX has a "rootless" mode, and a "desktop" mode.

Despite being born and raised in SF, he's a rootless carpetbagger!

The majority of devices sold on the market last year are locked and rootless.

I know a few people who live like this but most of them are semi-nomadic rather than totally rootless.

I think Martin's post has a very interesting point about the "Scala tribe" and its inherently rootless nature.

Of course, blocking networks, restricting accesses of other directories, and rootless pkg installations are cute.

Either that or run in a rootless X window in "legacy" mode.>This will not end well for interoperability, for developers, or for the wider Linux ecosystem.

I do not accept the popular brogrammer philosophy that rootless 20-somethings are the only people worth investing in because they are the most easy to exploit and/or manipulate.

That does not seem that absurd to me: in general, Americans are too rootless, so a policy that incentivizes some people to continue to have the same neighbors seems worth some amount of divergence from "perfect economic justice" or whatever you want to call it.

Rootless definitions


wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community; "led a vagabond life"; "a rootless wanderer"

See also: vagabond