Rooter in a sentence as a noun

And most plumbers are fixing clogs that a five year old with a rooter could fix thus providing no real value.

Instead, they have a roto-rooter style boring machine that installs the fiber as it builds a tunnel.

The British 'shagger' or Australian 'rooter' would probably have worked OK although I don't know if there is a US equivalent lighter than the F-word.

By far the most common tech pronunciation variance I've noticed UK v US is "rooter" / "router".Always seemed weird to hear British Hyundai ads pronounce it high-UN-dye, when US version was always HUN-day, "rhymes with Sunday".

I've long maintained that the only reason that "router", against all convention, is pronounced "rouw-ter", is that nobody is going to stand at the front of a lecture hall or meeting room and discuss a piece of hardware called a "rooter".

Rooter definitions


an enthusiastic devotee of sports