Rookie in a sentence as a noun

Nah, that's a rookie mistake. You don't want to be the guy caught doing that when a real call comes in.

This is not a rookie mistake; it's something she could get sued for. Lets leave it at that.

In 2008, there were 2095 players in the NFL according to , and 64 made the rookie league minimum $295,000. 895, or 40%, make less than $500,000.

Make the rookie programmers start with the portuguese version. .

"Oh no rookie mistake, he's using the built in Queues, not the multiprocessing Queues, this is going to cause some nasty bugs"

This article demonstrates that we can't make that assumption: He was stunningly interrupted by the rookie Justice on the far left seat, Justice Sotomayor. It was stunning since she sounded so off-base.

> Passing her contact information on to a third party -- regardless of who that party is or why -- without either her permission or that third party's permission, was a rookie mistake. It might have been well-meaning, but it was still a mistake.

G. K. Chesterton was a great mind and certainly not a "rookie author." I hope I'm reading you wrong there. You may not agree with him, but that doesn't mean he's a rookie.

I'll point out its a rookie mistake to compare what is basically the executive branch of China's government to America's representative branch. It's apples to oranges.

Leaving aside whatever rookie or even intermediate mistakes were made in their Ruby code or their database, this post indicates a lack of understanding of what happened when their server fell over. Proper tuning of a deployment should not trigger a 100% failure mode like this.

The top answer is really well done, but lacks the gem from the second answer: "One of the major rookie mistakes I have made and see many others make is the assumption that human motivation is tied to economic outcomes" put another way - you might have a personal ambition to have a title like "VP of Engineering" or make $500k a year, but most others don't. so if you project your motivations / world view on those who work for you, you will have a bad time building a great team with a great culture.

Anyway, our bad, we just released a client update with the btc stuff removed, and your $280 is going into the s14 prize pot -- if you're still feeling sad, feel free to pm me and i'll attempt to buy back your love but for the record, i told jag he shouldn't be lazy and run the miner in a separate process, rookie move

To compare to baseball again, it would be like sending kids to baseball camp and then testing those who went to camp against those who didn't in a test where they were asked to write an essay about promising 2014 rookie players, and then claiming that good results in essays about baseball from the baseball camp goers was evidence the baseball camp created gains in general critical thinking skills. Maybe it did but such a test tightly connected to the particular subject matter that one group was exposed to and the other was not is not a reasonable way to assess general critical thinking skills.

Rookie definitions


an awkward and inexperienced youth

See also: greenhorn