Romanticise in a sentence as a verb

It is, yes, but I'm not on HN to romanticise. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you.

> Let's not over-romanticise the subject. It was an era of romance and derring do!

Why would reddit want to romanticise pigs? Last time I've signed in, there were plenty of discussions about whether it was right to eat animals.

It's easy to romanticise the early days of the internet but seeing this brought a tinge of depression.

Passion only goes so far, we shouldn't romanticise failure too much. Sometimes it just isn't a good fit and sometimes that's because of limitations.

Most of the time we romanticise a non existent reality by perceiving it to be much better than it is and we ignore the negative sides to it. You're not alone, we all feel like this at times.

It's easy to romanticise pre-modern life from the comfortable position of a developed country. It's much harder for the people who live it.

I romanticise primitive life, and people often rebut that you would die at 30. I would be ok with that though, trading some amount of life expectancy for increased excitement, purpose, and struggle.

Let's not over-romanticise the subject. Github obviously had a lot to do with it, along with luck and admiration for Linus.

I see lots of people here trying to romanticise this into some spectacularly complex reasoning to make this a GM only move, but in reality I'm 99% sure they were just trolling. They were both laughing like **** when they were playing and they both had nothing to lose.

Org/wiki/Postmodernism > It's easy to romanticise pre-modern life from the comfortable position of a developed country. It's much harder for the people who live it.

I bet the migrant workers you romanticise have a different view than being "stronger" than you and hence doing underpaid back-breaking work in bad conditions and no health coverage...

I think a lot of people romanticise the world. Hungry childhood, unappeasable drive, learning to read from a half burnt book, learning to engineer by sneaking into a junk yard at night, every thread that can be used to claw out of poverty pulled, no opportunity missed.

Let's not romanticise dog ****. Yes, the original guy's post was unnecessarily harsh to the development community and people who work hard to make their life in said city, but this city is a clusterfuck in comparison to pretty much anywhere else.

I think these articles romanticise one aspect of childhood to the exclusion of others. I live in a small town and as soon as my kids can negotiate the roads safely they will have the run of it unrestricted but that doesn't mean that all they are going to do is hang out at a building site with old matresses and broken palletes.

> We'd do well not to overly romanticise any of these ancient political and social structures. We do better if we don't assert false generalizations contrary to empirical evidence.

IDK. Personally I think it's silly to romanticise and wax lyrical about what are - when it comes down to it - errors in the data; artefacts of the crudeness of the technology that was available when the material was created. Do we routinely add errors of this type to modern footage?

Although it is fun to romanticise about alternate paths you are quite correct: had you not taken the path you did, you would not have come to the realisation you now have. I graduated from my CS degree with strong results in 2007 and bucked the trend of my peers to live the entrepreneurial dream while freelancing on the side to sustain me.

Add to that: we tend to romanticise the past, and also the fact for every John Carmack there were thousands of behind the scenes people simply doing a job and maybe you'll see that the reality today is not much different. The hacker ethos you envision does exist to some extent, I've been part of small units of people pushing boundaries, and it's deeply, deeply difficult work.

Romanticise definitions


interpret romantically; "Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!"

See also: romanticize glamorize glamourise


make romantic in style; "The designer romanticized the little black dress"

See also: romanticize