Romantic in a sentence as a noun

Those perks are now gone, and with it the last traces of the System's romantic halo.

And that, to anyone who is sensitive to romantic Quality, just makes it all the worse.

Ask 100 women if they find it romantic to be kissed without being asked or if they want to be asked first.

"I know it’s romantic to think that one person can create an incredible product in isolation.

It doesn't matter what gender anyone is, or that it's being done out of romantic rejection, it's unacceptable.

It treated us programmers as special snow flakes, and advertised us the romantic super exciting world of startups.

For romantic aspirations, I would also recommed online dating.

Point is, most developers have this hazy, romantic, idyllic notion of "doing a startup" that bears no resemblance to the actual thing.

A romantic relationship is hopefully based on qualities more fundamental than "what professional role do I want to occupy?"3.

Romantic in a sentence as an adjective

There used to be a universally romantic notion about long-distance travel by trains that I'm sure Amtrak is trying to bring back to the forefront of Americans' minds.

It is not possible in such a situation to make a romantic overture that is not tainted by the possibility that you are looking for a quid-pro-quo even if in fact you are not.

The cornerstone of romantic relationships is equal emotional investment, and the idea that beneath all the trappings, we're fundamentally all just people.

Sexual competition and emotional, romantic relationships are rendered obsolete because they are no longer needed.

I think that there's something kind of fascinating and romantic about the idea that an entire world and the ongoing social affairs of thousands of people can fit on a single server blade in the middle of nowhere.

Correct: if your interactions with a founder are cabined by professional settings --- demo days, funding pitches, going for coffee to talk about their company --- romantic overtures are inappropriate.

Sexuality has always been the topic of every medium available, and I would assume that the influence between porn/erotic media/romantic media/sex ed, culture and privately practiced sexuality has never been a one way street.

It's the style that gets you; technological ugliness syruped over with romantic phoniness in an effort to produce beauty and profit by people who, though stylish, don't know where to start because no one has ever told them there's such a thing as Quality in this world and it's real, not style.

Romantic definitions


a soulful or amorous idealist


an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism

See also: romanticist


belonging to or characteristic of Romanticism or the Romantic Movement in the arts; "romantic poetry"

See also: romanticist romanticistic


expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance; "her amatory affairs"; "amorous glances"; "a romantic adventure"; "a romantic moonlight ride"

See also: amatory amorous


not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic; "as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood"; "a romantic disregard for money"; "a wild-eyed dream of a world state"

See also: quixotic wild-eyed