Rioting in a sentence as a noun

He was reading The Prince and now he gets what all those dumb serfs were rioting about.

Is not aware of the manner in which mobs have been rioting there for the past month?

If watching a video cause you urges to start rioting and harm people, maybe it's not the video that's the problem.

Why does an urban police force, even if deals with rioting, need to wear camouflage patterns?

We need to be thinking about this now before we have 10 million rioting in the streets because there are no jobs left.

Not rioting. I too have concerns with regards to the policing of the Lokpal body.

His message was distributed to 400 Facebook contacts, but no rioting broke out as a result.

And I believe that protests and occupying and rioting and any sort of such action is just expansion and nothing else, so I don’t do it.

If the rioting was being spun as being somehow politically motivated in non British media, that's wrong.

A few more muslim youths rioting in Paris and I think you'd be surprised by what kind of police escalation Parisians will be willing to put up with...

[1] See the widespread rioting and looting in the UK last year, some of which was justified by the perpetrators as political, but all of which was prosecuted as criminal.

I mean, any historical proof that rioting will make change?You know, Tunisia went on a relatively peaceful revolution and now we have less freedom and more problems/unemployment.

Rioting definitions


a state of disorder involving group violence

See also: riot