Rigour in a sentence as a noun

We should be encouraging this sort of exploration and rigour in school kids.

With the goal of founding all of mathematics on set theory, the group strove for rigour and generality.

The editorial rigour, attention to detail and depth of knowledge are outstanding.

Plenty of contributions to a discourse can still possess insight without all the trappings of intellectual rigour.

The best way to find out is to study, on a meaningful sample size and with a well documented process and at least a modicum of scientific rigour.

Second, it is essentially impossible to compare search engines with any level of scientific rigour.

If you just want an parameter estimation, then a lot of the rigour will seem useless, and if you want to understand a procedure deeply, you can't do away with rigour.

Here in the UK, for example, we've seen an obvious reduction in the breadth and rigour of exams for at least a generation, and there is a kind of inverse snobbery about selective schools or, worse, schools that charge fees.

I meet dudes like you that respond to something that for some reason irks them with:"It's not formulated to the highest standards of intellectual rigour - and so is worst kind of ****"I have to wonder what really is provoking the hyperbole.

I am afraid his essays are liked because of the general sentiment for "more rigour" in programming, whatever it would mean, and not because of any understanding of what precisely he advocates and the merits of his techniques.

But it's about as intellectually stimulating as mindless language bashing: it doesn't take much intellectual curiosity or rigour to bash a language, and neither does being perfectly neutral and non-offensive by throwing around platitudes like "no language is perfect", "choose the right tool for the job", etc.

He writes I feel that one of the reasons that non-standard analysis is\n not embraced more widely is because the transfer principle,\n and the ultrafilter that powers it, is often regarded as some\n sort of “black box” which mysteriously bestows some\n certificate of rigour on non-standard arguments used to prove\n standard theorems, while conveying no information whatsoever\n on what the quantitative bounds for such theorems should\n be.

Rigour definitions


the quality of being valid and rigorous

See also: cogency validity rigor


something hard to endure; "the asperity of northern winters"

See also: asperity grimness hardship rigor severity severeness rigorousness rigourousness


excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"