Rewrite in a sentence as a noun

And this is a major rewrite for me to undertake; they look very little like their predecessors.

Take your first, crappy implementation and rewrite it in the same language and you'll probably still see at least 10x improvement, if not 20.

The company decides to rewrite the core of its product in python, and gives the job to an intern?I feel like I must be missing something....

They've given me a really clean migration path from Silverlight/WPF to Metro that does most definitively not require a full rewrite.

Some developers like to work on six different things at the same time, and then they go back and rewrite history so that their six changes end up as six commits.

Rewrite in a sentence as a verb

Not a full rewrite, mind you, but Qt redid piles of classes, methods, and hierarchy, and Gtk+ introduced glib, reworked signalling, themes, and tons else I'm forgetting.

On the Mac side, the writing's getting on the wall that Carbon's going to die, so I'm going to want to start porting to Cocoa, and that amounts to basically a full rewrite.

It'll look dated unless I make some changes to the manifest to indicate that I'm ready for the new common controls, but this is pretty straightforward to do; it's not a big rewrite.

But the ground-up rewrite is never going to happen, and the incremental fixes are not only doable, but doable by the kinds of generalist developers who are champing at the bit to stick it to the NSA.

Also, there's a lot of material there, what are you referring to, exactly?From the guidelines:"You can make up a new title if you want, but if you put gratuitous editorial spin on it, the editors may rewrite it.

Rewrite definitions


something that has been written again; "the rewrite was much better"

See also: revision rescript


write differently; alter the writing of; "The student rewrote his thesis"


rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose; "re-write a play for use in schools"