Retrieval in a sentence as a noun

In six or seven years we've never needed offsite retrieval. Fine for it to be slow.

That program automates the retrieval of large numbers of files, but it is considered less powerful than the tool Mr. Snowden used. So the tool wasn't wget.

What kind of system has Amazon most likely built that takes 3-4 hours to perform retrieval? What are some examples of similar systems, and where are they installed?

Then add a 3-4 hour retrieval delay to ensure that those old disk don't have to spin up more than 6-8 at times a day anymore even in the worst case. But that's just my personal theory anyway.

- Even the acts of storage and retrieval are themselves a kind of computation, a transformation, a compression and a learning experience. - Memories are not clean silos.

And now we have unlimited search and retrieval capability and you suppose that a poor interface is the killer blow for deletionism? I believe I am having a Mugatu Moment here.

A 300-1000 page novel as a paperback is an ok reading experience, but on a e-ink device, you get an improved experience due to the easier storage, retrieval, lightness, etc. of the e-ink Kindle type devices.

> The vast majority of unauthorized retrievals of US-person data are unintentional. > ... the rare cases of unauthorized data retrieval were ...

This means that to get the requested information on first load, the user has to wait for a 2MB download, followed by another roundtrip Ajax request to twitters tweet retrieval API. This results in the perception of a slow page load, even though the tweet itself comes down the pipe in only 100ms. In my view, Twitter is an excellent case study in some of the pitfalls of thick-client application design.

Okay, why do you use a hash table instead of a linked list when quick retrieval is more important than in-order traversals? Now, it's pretty obvious when we're discussing something as simple as this, but this is the fundamental essence of Big O. Certainly, we don't need to calculate it on a daily basis, especially past the general case, but it also doesn't hurt to have common terminology when speaking about an edge case of an algorithm.

Before long your patent application transforms from "Method to improve page retrieval on ARM7 CPUs" to "Method to improve caching in memory" to "Method to improve caching" to "Method to accelerate any computation". That generally doesn't happen in the physical world, because physical inventions aren't easily generalisable.

Of course, a lot of text-retrieval research has happened in the past few decades, one of my favorites being LDA[3] which relies on a much more sound statistical basis than finding lower-dimensional representations of term-document vectors. Unfortunately LDA's model is not directly computable and answers must be determined via Monte-Carlo methods.

This page appears to be positively ancient, referencing FreeBSD 5 and Red Hat 8, and a bunch of the technical differences are incorrect now; the Linux kernel hasn't used stable/unstable versioning in forever and is entirely on git, every GNU/Linux distribution has easy binary package dependency resolution and retrieval, etc.

Quote Examples using Retrieval

>> Performing storage and retrieval that uses the hashing technique with the external chaining method for collision resolution. Isnt this just describing a hash table? >> In order to prevent performance deterioration due to the presence of automatically expiring data items, a garbage collection technique is used that removes all expired records stored in the system in the external chain targeted by a probe into the data storage system. So the software doesn't run slowly, we're going to do something special to get rid of those pesky expired records. I believe, "removes all expired records stored in the system in the external chain targeted by a probe into the data storage system." is just preparing you for the description of what they're going to do, without actually saying anything. >> Each insertion, retrieval, or deletion of a record is an occasion to search an entire linked-list chain of records for expired items and then remove them.


Retrieval definitions


(computer science) the operation of accessing information from the computer's memory


the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory; "my retrieval of people's names is very poor"


the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost)

See also: recovery