Respirator in a sentence as a noun

More frequently if you do, but use a respirator/N95 mask.

OP would rather sleep on a respirator than improve his lifestyle.

A new respirator type device had just been invented and I was one of the first in the North West to have one.

If you fail the apnea test, your respirator is reconnected.

Her family kept her on a respirator for a week, then let the doctors talk them into pulling the plug.

Steel-toed boots are also a very good idea, in addition to a respirator.

If you ever do any exploring of old/abandoned buildings like this, you better use a respirator.

However, for me, one of the key requirements of living in respirator is to ability to communicate with other people.

Despite having a supply of air, wetsuit, fins and buoyancy control device on, she got that drowning sensation when her respirator came out. Once she had someone to hold onto, sanity was restored but I totally got why drowning people are dangerous from then on.

Many people believe that more technology will save us, but is life really worth living being hooked up to a respirator with a miserable polluted planet barely capable of supporting life?

Most e-waste recycling in China is not as clean and neat as thisNow I come to think about it, the original blog post shows 3 people working hot air desoldering stations without any visible ventilation, and with only one wearing a thin respirator.

Camera + N99 mask + shower -> $100 totalAlthough you'd probably want to opt for the deluxe package - scanner + cartridge respirator + long hot shower -> $300 totalI'm sure multiple members of an "archival society" would have individually come up with these resources if that's what was required.

They recommend the use of a respirator during application; this doesn't necessarily mean anything, you won't get sued for telling someone to use a respirator when a product is safe, but it at least indicates they aren't comfortable yet to tell people to apply this without protective equipment.

Respirator definitions


a breathing device for administering long-term artificial respiration

See also: inhalator


a protective mask with a filter; protects the face and lungs against poisonous gases

See also: gasmask