Resound in a sentence as a verb

A good metaphor that you want to resound with the broad populace should resound with the broad populace.

The Higgs theory will have unknown implications that will resound for centuries.

Granted, many of the technologies in 1984 don't either, but its central concepts resound to our times.

But we definitely think the balance can be struck in a way that'll resound with a casual audience more apt at consuming TV then video games.

They heavily rely on being able to read your tone and state of mind so that they can tailor the message to whatever they think will resound with you the most.

That lesson will resound as an example, for a very long time and as far as my ethics are concerned it is a narrative that I can support as a cautionary tale to future business leaders.

I actually rather agree with the division inherent in this and think it will resound with people, but I honestly believe that this is yet another step towards turning our society into idiocracy.

If they said this, "because they are actively working to understand and fix the problem but haven't come to a well resound solution and thus they cannot give you a decent time estimate because you will probably get even more mad if they under/over estimate the time it took to fix it.

Resound definitions


ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"

See also: echo ring reverberate


emit a noise

See also: noise