Resolving in a sentence as a noun

Further, this assists due process in identifying and resolving problems in our financial system.

The litigation system is very well suited for resolving "you versus me" disputes based on tangible harms.

But if you're building a company, then the welfare of the company needs to be among the most important factors in resolving disputes.

Includes some real gems, like;>So now, when we face a choice between adding features and resolving security issues, we need to choose security.

The court would be resolving all of the issues raised in this case without necessarily bringing the parties any closer to a license agreement.

By this time, the screen, since it's still resolving and moving things around the canvas or whatever the **** it's doing, well by the time my mouse event registers, the object I wanted has moved away.

The fallacy of the comparison to heart disease/cancer/traffic accidents is that tremendous resources are spent preventing and then resolving those issues as well.

I deleted my facebook account ~6 years ago, but before I completely deleted it I changed my name to "DLC Text".About a year ago I started getting emails from facebook recruiters, and guess what my name was resolving to in their system?

We got that reputation by doing some concrete things differently than our competitors: we staffed an appropriate number of CSRs, trained them to be nice to customers, did a lot of gratuitous tech support for basic computer problems, and were flexible about resolving billing disputes.

It works perfectly well in practice to imagine rebasing as the developer having implemented their topic branch instantaneously based on the current state, and resolving conflicts on a commit-by-commit basis rather than accumulating them into one opaque merge commit.> It's so tempting to stay on master, to think "It's just a quick fix, it's not worth branching for!

So, there's an overblown police operation, using two helicopters, 5 paddy wagons, AR-15s, dogs, and a forceable takedown of a suspect deemed to be "low-risk", to serve an illegal warrant by a unit that NZ Police themselves describe [1] as "[providing] Police with the means of effectively and more safely responding to and resolving situations in which there is an actual or threatened use of firearms or other weapons against members of the public or Police.

Resolving definitions


analysis into clear-cut components

See also: resolution