Residence in a sentence as a noun

Renters sign a binding agreement with their landlord stipulating that they're using the space as their private residence.

It absolutely is not illegal for a US citizen to change his state of residence purely for tax reasons.

But at the same time I would hate to lose the ability for someone to put their primary residence on a site like Airbnb a couple of times a year.

And even that seem predatory, never mind getting all the equity and forcing the person out of their place of residence.

You can also travel to the USA by applying for a 5-10 year B visa and visit as you wish once you've had your your permanent residence card for a while.

But then again, that's also what someone seeking to burglarize any vacation-emptied residence would do.

Spend an hour siting on whatever couch she has managed to find for temp residence and read yours and pg's HN profiles and threads and see that you and pg are indeed standup guys?

It will also blur the distinction between places of residence and places of business, with uncertain effects on zoning, travel patterns and neighborhoods.

This is one of the patterns the state of NY is using against Airbnb while Airbnb is arguing that the service is intended for people occasionally renting out their primary residence.

There is no plausible 'consumer protection' story that would explain why building codes for permanent residence are not good enough for temporary residence as well.

Is duration-of-residence a legitimate basis for such strong civic discrimination rooted in law?

Not only did they roll trucks to a residence to do a search that was almost mathematically guaranteed to come up blank, but when they did that, they hinted around at the secret program that got them to do it.

By contrast, I was never able to cast a Minnesota absentee ballot from Taiwan, even the time when I should have been regarded as having a stable permanent residence address here in the United States.

This is shameful behavior - it is tantamount to mob rule & harassment, with the effective statement that "We strongly dislike what you're doing, so we are going to disturb your private residence and prevent you from going to work".No person who isn't committing a serious crime deserves that whatever his/her beliefs.

Residence definitions


any address at which you dwell more than temporarily; "a person can have several residences"

See also: abode


the official house or establishment of an important person (as a sovereign or president); "he refused to live in the governor's residence"


the act of dwelling in a place

See also: residency abidance


a large and imposing house

See also: mansion manse hall